Working with Cranfield students to build cargo drones – an industry partner perspective
Cranfield University2021-09-15T11:48:05+01:0012/04/2021|Tags: aerospace, aviation, Cargo, control, drones, logistics, propulsion, uavs|
Our early stage company, Flugauto Inc, is designing advanced unmanned aerial systems for cargo delivery and is teaming up with Cranfield Autonomous Vehicle Dynamics and Control MSc students to work on propulsion and unmanned vehicle ...
My Cranfield PhD: Using UAVs to detect marine biohazards near nuclear power stations
Cranfield University2021-09-16T15:46:26+01:0018/03/2019|Tags: PhD, research, uavs|
Before starting my PhD at Cranfield (UAVs used for the early detection of marine ingress events near coastal nuclear power stations) I read Zoology and Conservation biology at the University of Derby. I had planned ...
Autonomous systems for environmental monitoring
Dr Monica Rivas Casado2017-05-15T12:45:19+01:0015/05/2017|Tags: Autonomous systems, Autonomy, Autonomy in agriculture, drones, S4GE, Science for the Green Economy, uavs|
Autonomous systems are a key priority in governmental agendas. In 2013, David Willetts included them as one of the Eight Great Technologies that will propel the UK to future growth. In 2017, the Industrial Strategy ...
How drones will change our cities
Cranfield University2021-09-15T12:16:00+01:0004/10/2016|Tags: amazon drone delivery, drone, drones, prime air, uav, uavs, unmanned aerial vehicles|
Amazon’s promise of a 30 minute drone delivery service might look like click-bait PR - but it’s one early sign of significant changes coming in how our everyday world works. For the moment, all the ...
UK ‘should be leading’ on drone safety
Cranfield University2021-09-15T12:15:26+01:0004/10/2016|Tags: air traffic control, airspace, cranfield university, drone safety, drones, transport systems, uavs, unmanned aerial vehicles|
Our air traffic control systems run on the basis of principles which are now 60 years old. It’s no surprise then that the appearance of UAVs in our air space is seen as a serious ...
Eye in the sky – using drones for environmental monitoring
Cranfield University2021-09-15T12:10:42+01:0009/09/2016|Tags: cranfield university, drones, ecological mapping, environmental mapping, environmental technology, monitoring, river mapping, uavs, unmanned aerial vehicles, water|
Adopted in 2000, the Water Framework Directive requires all EU member states to protect and improve the water quality in rivers, lakes, groundwater, transitional and coastal waters, and to protect against pollution and deterioration. But ...