Sustainability by royal request: Managing an event fit for a King
Hayley Rook2024-04-23T17:26:31+01:0023/04/2024|sustainability | Sustainability MSc|
The Coronation of King Charles III on May 6th 2023, was watched by millions of people around the world with tens of thousands of people travelling to Central London to witness the pageantry firsthand. ...
Not a tick-box but everybody’s business
Tammie Argent-Peters2024-04-05T13:26:05+01:0005/04/2024|cranfield school of management | Management and Corporate Sustainability MSc | school of management | Student Blogs | sustainability | transformation|
As the countdown to the 2030 sustainability milestones draws closer, the Edie 24 conference emerges as a beacon of reflection and progress. With just 69 months remaining, the burning question lingers: are we on course? ...
The 10 areas that must be addressed to deliver Aviation 2050 targets
Kath Middleditch2023-12-15T11:35:35+00:0015/12/2023|aviation | climate change | SAF | sustainability|
The need for urgent action on sustainable aviation is clear. For industry to meet ICAO and Paris Agreement targets, both the delivery and scaling up of change must happen within this decade. This urgency ...
An updated integrated vehicle health management (IVHM) value proposition via proactive and predictive maintenance
Antonia Molloy2023-10-31T18:03:31+00:0017/10/2023|aerospace | aircraft maintenance | digital aviation | integrated vehicle health management | Integrated Vehicle Health Management (IVHM) Centre | IVHM | maintenance | sustainability | transport systems|
Today, most commercial aviation operators have an integrated vehicle health management (IVHM) system in place, whether from their engine provider, the OEMs or third-party providers. It's worth noting that the number of third-party providers ...
Breaking New Ground: Organising Cranfield’s first Hult Prize OnCampus Programme
Clare Hanson2023-09-14T13:03:45+01:0014/09/2023|cranfield school of management | cranfield university | entrepreneurship | management | mba | msc | school of management | student experience | sustainability|
The Hult Prize is a year-long global competition challenging young people to solve the world’s most pressing issues by creating innovative social ventures. This year, the challenge was to create a for-profit social venture in ...
Why combatting deshopping is key to retail success
Alix Elwin2023-07-07T13:04:31+01:0007/07/2023|deshopping | e-commerce | future of everything | marketing | retail | sales | Strategic Marketing MSc | sustainability|
From clothing worn once for a special event then returned for a full refund, to tins of half-used paint taken back to store containing a brick to make up the weight, fraudulent returns are ...