Supermarkets need to examine supply chain to avoid fresh produce shortages
Kath Middleditch2023-02-21T17:46:06+00:0021/02/2023|food supply chain | logistics and supply chain | logistics and supply chain management | procurement | school of management | supermarket | supply chain|
Strawberries at Christmas? Mangoes in March? We’ve all got used to having any product, at any time of the year available in our supermarkets, ready to satisfy any food trend or surge in consumer ...
How Save Eat could save us from mountains of food waste
Cranfield University2021-09-15T10:35:49+01:0009/05/2016|app | entrepreneurship | food expiry | food waste | shopping | smartphones | start up | supermarket|
From Candy Crush to fitness trackers, the popularity of smartphone and tablet apps shows no sign of waning. Myself and two other students (Lourdes Saca and Isaure Tsassis) are studying on the MDes programme at ...