The Library app is back!
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2024-04-16T19:06:52+01:0016/04/2024|Tags: app, barrington, knl, SOMLibrary|
The Library app is back! It's exactly the same as before (although it will get a fresh look in a few months) and if you hadn't removed it from an existing device it should just ...
How Save Eat could save us from mountains of food waste
Cranfield University2021-09-15T10:35:49+01:0009/05/2016|Tags: app, entrepreneurship, food expiry, food waste, shopping, smartphones, start up, supermarket|
From Candy Crush to fitness trackers, the popularity of smartphone and tablet apps shows no sign of waning. Myself and two other students (Lourdes Saca and Isaure Tsassis) are studying on the MDes programme at ...