study tour
Arriving to Thailand and getting to know Bangkok on the Coronation weekend
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:22:20+01:0015/05/2019|Tags: logistics and supply chain management, study tour|
I would start by saying that this was my first long haul flight so it has been a whole new experience from the start. Let’s begin by saying that I did not know how much ...
Thailand Study Tour
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:21:38+01:0015/05/2019|Tags: logistics and supply chain management, study tour|
Written by Neeraj Mehrotra and Tim Smith This is where it all starts - our visit to Laem Chabang International Terminal. All ready and excited to be at our first visit. The day began ...
International Logistics Tour – Thailand 2019
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:20:31+01:0015/05/2019|Tags: logistics and supply chain management, study tour|
Where to begin?... From the amazing atmosphere? To the excellent choice of the hotel? The tasteful Thailand Cuisine or from the even better first day in exploring Bangkok? It’s almost 10.30 on the 5th May ...
A Wonderful Study Tour to Vienna
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:18:26+01:0011/05/2019|Tags: cranfield school of management, cranfield university, logistics and supply chain management, procurement and supply chain management, study tour|
An invaluable opportunity has been offered at Cranfield University to experience the supply chain management at a range of diverse organisations and in a different economic region. That is the study tour, for all our ...
A week in Granada, studying our Cross Cultural Management module
Cranfield University2021-09-16T11:39:20+01:0005/06/2018|Tags: cranfield school of management, cross cultural management, granada, management, management msc, masters in management, mim, school of management, study tour|
When we started off our MSc Management course back in September, our course director Professor Dickmann introduced us to this unique module 'Cross-Cultural Management' in which the students who opt for it travel to Granada, ...
Day two of our study tour to Thailand: dinner and drinks!
Cranfield University2021-09-16T11:37:25+01:0004/06/2018|Tags: Bangkok, dinner, executive, Henkel, logistics, msc, part time, study tour, supply chain, thailand|
After finishing at Henkel slightly later than anticipated, we didn’t have quite enough time to get across the city. Ever the professionals, the only appropriate solution was of course to find a bar, where we ...