study tour
Day 2 – Is sticky rice developed by Henkel as well?
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:32:51+01:0022/05/2019|Tags: logistics and supply chain management, study tour|
To my surprise, it seems that we are almost at every moment in contact with a product containing Henkel materials. It has been great to understand the current challenges which Henkel has or is facing, ...
Thailand Study Tour
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:32:07+01:0022/05/2019|Tags: logistics and supply chain management, study tour|
Although my travel to Singapore is quite often, memory about other SEA (South East Asia) countries is still stopped by 25 years ago working experience at Solectron Penang an MNC Electronic Company in Malaysia. I ...
A great night to close up Thursday and the early visit to Ducati to start Friday with motorbike speed
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:31:14+01:0022/05/2019|Tags: logistics and supply chain management, study tour|
Who said that a business is only run from an office, sitting all day in front of your computer and answering calls for a hundred stakeholders? It is well known that the best deals are ...
Visit to King Pac – Executive Logistics Study Tour
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:28:21+01:0017/05/2019|Tags: logistics and supply chain management, study tour|
Written by Tim Smith and Neeraj Mehrotra A really interesting morning at the factory and offices of King Pac. This company manufactures all sorts of plastic bags and distributes about 130,000mt per year to markets ...
Visit to Jaspal Group – Executive Logistics Study Tour
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:26:58+01:0017/05/2019|Tags: logistics and supply chain management, study tour|
Date of visit: 8th May 2019 We visited a warehouse today owned by Jaspal group, which specialises in distribution and manufacturing of fashion retail. The Jaspal Group utilises an in house design team and they have ...
Day 2 – Henkel
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:23:09+01:0015/05/2019|Tags: logistics and supply chain management, study tour|
So, after the excitement of our morning visit to the LCIT port terminal our group was intrigued to learn what insight we could derive from our next appointment: a visit to one of the world’s ...