Using European Space Agency expertise to grow better crops
Boris Snapir2017-02-22T16:02:32+00:0022/02/2017|“Cranfield” | agrifood | Agrifood Institute | Earth Observation | ESA | European Space Agency | PolSAR | Remote Sensing | research | Scientific Exploitation | SEOM | space|
When you hear the words European Space Agency (ESA), ambitious missions to mars or spectacular crash-landings on comets may come to mind. What is less likely to occur is agriculture and improving crop yields. But ...
The rebirth of the manufacturing sector
Cranfield University2021-09-15T14:29:31+01:0029/11/2016|circular economy | engineering | future of manufacturing | industrie 4.0 | manufacturing | manufacturing 2075 | production | space | sustainability|
When it comes to careers at the heart of the action in terms of world-changing technologies and wealth generation, then manufacturing is the place to look. In the shadow of ICT over the past 30 ...
Putting astronautics and space engineering into practice with the CranSEDS rocket launch
Cranfield University2021-09-15T11:58:55+01:0004/08/2016|aerospace | astronautics | cranseds | engineering | flight | master's | postgraduate | rocket | space|
As well as studying MSc Astronautics and Space Engineering at Cranfield University, I am also currently treasurer of CranSEDS - Cranfield Students for the Exploration and Development of Space. As part of this society, our president ...