Finding competitor analysis for companies
Karen Stokes2024-08-23T13:17:24+01:0014/08/2024|Tags: Bloomberg, capitaliq, company financials, company information, factiva, fame, ibisworld, mirc, peer analysis, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-company, web-mirc-finance|
Often when you are researching a company, it will be useful to compare it to its peers. Here are some resources you can use to find and compare competitor companies. Peer Comparison and Peer Analysis ...
Our Study Skills Hub has been refreshed!
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2024-08-05T17:37:37+01:0005/08/2024|Tags: barrington, knl, SOMLibrary, study skills|
With its improved navigation and impressive content, we are confident our new look Study Skills Hub can help you develop the key skills you need to study and learn effectively. The Hub is available 24/7 ...
Working on your internship report
Tracey Nunn2024-08-01T16:46:27+01:0001/08/2024|Tags: CranfieldSOM, internship, knl, msc in management, SOMLibrary, thesis|
Instead of producing a traditional thesis, as covered in our other post, some students in the School of Management - and perhaps some in other Cranfield Schools too - will embark upon on an internship ...
Using grey literature in your research: A short guide
Angela Sparks2024-07-22T12:02:11+01:0022/07/2024|Tags: barrington, grey literature, knl, research, SOMLibrary, thesis|
As you research and write your thesis, you might come across, or be looking for, ‘grey literature’. This is quite simply material that is either unpublished, or published but not in a commercial form. Types ...
Using what you read in what you write – Summarising, paraphrasing and quoting other authors
Karen Stokes2024-07-19T11:48:31+01:0018/07/2024|Tags: academic writing, APA7, barrington, knl, referencing, SOMLibrary|
University life involves a serious amount of reading and writing. We study the work of other people to inform ourselves about a topic. When we then re-use that knowledge to create our own work, we ...
Our wellbeing corners have a name – The Nook!
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2024-07-15T18:08:02+01:0016/07/2024|Tags: knl, SOMLibrary, Wellbeing|
Earlier this year, we asked you to think of a name for our new wellbeing corners in the Kings Norton and School of Management Libraries. We had so many great suggestions, and would like to ...