Data driven innovation in coastal resilience: Cranfield at the AAAS, Seattle
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:10:17+01:0003/02/2020|Tags: AAAS, coastal, Digital Environment, Resilience|
Plans are in place for the Cranfield input to the upcoming 'American Association for the Advancement of Science' (AAAS) annual conference in Seattle in February. Ron Corstanje and Stephen Hallett [Link], who are serving as ...
Avoca-don’t? The global avocado crisis and the question of supply system resilience
Dr Chloe Sutcliffe and Professor Tim Hess2017-05-09T10:29:41+01:0009/05/2017|Tags: avocado, cranfield water, deforestation, pesticide, Resilience, resilient supply chain, water scarcity|
“Holy Guacamole” and “Guaca-moolah”! Headline writers and twitter addicts have had a field day over the recent surge in prices for avocados, but joking aside, the combination of factors leading to poor harvests that have caused ...