renewable energy
Renewable Energy Marine Structures Centre for Doctoral Training: Field Experiment Deployment
Cranfield University2021-09-16T10:38:08+01:0017/04/2018|energy | Experiment | marine structures | Offshore wind | REMS | renewable energy|
It is wise to start by welcoming the new cohort 2021 to the Renewable Energy Marine Structures (REMS) Centre for Doctoral Training and wish them loads of fun and success in their future research. The week ...
New Offshore Engineering MSc
Cranfield University2021-09-16T10:34:02+01:0005/04/2018|energy | engineering | msc | Power | renewable energy | sustainable energy | wind energy|
About offshore engineering Offshore engineering is, now more than ever, a rapidly developing discipline. In addition to its traditional relevance to the oil and gas industry, since the 1950s, it is now expanding to embrace ...
Bearing the load: open doors staff tour to the Structural Integrity Laboratory
Cranfield University2021-09-16T09:30:55+01:0013/07/2017|“Cranfield” | energy | facilities | laboratory | Offshore wind | Power | renewable energy | Turbines | working at cranfield|
This was my second staff tour, and I found it as fascinating as the first. Dr Ali Mehmanparast is the manager of the lab, which sits within the University’s Energy and Power theme. He joined ...
Going off-grid in Jordan – treating wastewater with solar power
Cranfield University2021-09-15T11:54:08+01:0025/07/2016|jordan | renewable energy | solar power | wastewater | wastewater treatment | water treatment|
I am studying both the environmental impact and financial cost of an integrated wastewater treatment and renewable energy system for rural and remote locations in Jordan. In most developing countries, such as Jordan in the ...
Why the UK is developing floating wind farms
Cranfield University2021-09-14T16:49:48+01:0004/02/2016|energy and power | renewable energy | wind energy | wind power|
Statoil has made the final investment decision to build the world’s first floating wind farm after getting an approval from the Scottish Government in early November 2015. So, why is the UK developing floating wind farms? Why wind? The ...