Calculating drag and down force coefficients
Cranfield University2021-09-16T15:08:31+01:0005/02/2019|Tags: aerodynamic, Analysis, aston martin, bicester, composite materials, Cranfield Impact Centre, design project, engineering, F1, ferrari, formula one, library, motorsport, msc, red bull, student|
This month, Carlos Soteras Escámez embarks on the fourth month of his Advanced Motorsport Engineering MSc. Find out what he’s been up to on the course since his last blog post in November 2018. Wow; ...
Sanitation… small actions big impact
Cranfield University2021-09-16T14:46:23+01:0018/12/2018|Tags: msc, sanitation, water, water and sanitation for development|
For the past two weeks, I have been exploring the Hygiene, Health and Sanitation module of my course Water and Sanitation for Development MSc and my oh my, it is mind-blowing. This is a field ...
A peak into Food Safety and Quality management and certification
Cranfield University2021-09-16T14:44:23+01:0017/12/2018|Tags: Food Chain Systems, Food safety, msc|
My name is Inga Ósk and I come from Iceland. Before I came to Cranfield I had graduated from University of Akureyri with BSc in biotechnology. After I graduated I got a job in a ...
Cranfield University: the beginning of an auspicious future
Cranfield University2021-09-16T14:31:26+01:0007/12/2018|Tags: agrifood, Food Chain Systems, msc|
My name is Miguel and I come from Spain. I have been studying Agronomic Engineering for the last five years at Córdoba University. Within this bachelor’s degree I focused my studies on the food chain ...
The Commonwealth-Cranfield Experience
Cranfield University2021-09-16T14:30:20+01:0006/12/2018|Tags: Commonwealth Scholarship, msc, water, water and sanitation for development|
Hi guys, I am Daniel F. Akrofi, an Environmental Scientist from the Republic of Ghana with passion for green spaces and the environment as a whole. This edge to see a cleaner environment led me ...
Dirt science and getting grubby!
Cranfield University2021-09-16T14:10:22+01:0021/11/2018|Tags: environment, land reclamation, msc, soil science|
My first few weeks in Cranfield have been a bit overwhelming, with a complete difference in learning style (more independent learning), handing in assignments, learning how to paraphrase and reference properly to avoid plagiarism, and ...