The Cranfield bear travels to Stuttgart!
Kelly Kim2017-05-04T15:53:39+01:0004/05/2017|Tags: cranfield school of management, cranfield university, cranfieldpscm, cranfieldscm, edwards, internationals, logistics and supply chain masters, msc, procurement, stuttgart, supply chain management|
Did you know we have a Cranfield bear?! Myself and fellow supply chain management students took him with us to Stuttgart, where we attended a traditional German beer festival! [su_custom_gallery source="media: 6791" width="256" height="341" title="never"] [su_custom_gallery ...
Logistics and Procurement Supply Chain study tour – Vienna, day three
Pavaree Suriyantphupha2017-04-26T09:56:17+01:0026/04/2017|Tags: cranfield school of management, LSCM, msc, study tour|
Hi everyone! Time flies so fast and it is the last day of the Vienna study tour. We had a great opportunity to visit Mondi headquarters in the center of Vienna. Mondi is a packaging paper ...
What happens if you decide to change your course?
Bartlomiej Palus2017-03-17T16:52:16+00:0017/03/2017|Tags: “Cranfield”, chemical engineering, double degree, energy, engineering, master's, mechanical engineering, msc, postgraduate|
Hello everyone, I would like to share my story with you. Here it goes… I am studying Advanced Mechanical Engineering in the energy department of Cranfield University. I came here from Silesian University of Technology, from ...
One fine day in Cambridge
Pavaree Suriyantphupha2017-01-26T15:56:35+00:0026/01/2017|Tags: “Cranfield”, cambridge, cranfield school of management, cranfieldscm, life at cranfield, logistics, msc, supply chain|
Hi everyone! How was the inventory and operations management game? I believe that everyone has the same feeling that it was quite intensive. Yet, we have learnt a lot of things from it. Definitely, ...
Supply chain management students’ warehouse visits
Kelly Kim2017-01-25T15:08:26+00:0025/01/2017|Tags: cranfield school of management, logistics, LSCM, msc, procurement, PSCM, supply chain management, warehouse visit|
This was an absolutely wonderful experience! Before I came to Cranfield, I knew that the university offered a warehouse visit for both Procurement and Supply Chain Management and Logistics and Supply Chain Management students. So, let me tell ...
Supply Chain Management MSc students’ Christmas party
Cranfield University2021-09-15T16:26:29+01:0016/12/2016|Tags: christmas, cranfield school of management, cranfieldscm, logistics and supply chain management, master's degree, msc, party, postgraduate, procurement and supply chain management, student life|
I cannot believe Christmas is coming so soon!!! Today, I would love to post about our awesome Christmas party on 9 Dec. It was ABSOLUTELY FANTASTIC! The dress code was 'elf costume', the venue was ...