My group project with Industry
Cranfield University2021-09-15T10:34:18+01:0023/07/2021|careers | challenges | Environment and Agrifood | environmental management for business | group project | Module|
Hello, my name is Kavya Jayaram from India and I am studying for my Environmental Management for Business MSc. I have recently finished my taught modules in the first term and also my group project, ...
Forensic Archaeology and Anthropology MSc: Practical Archaeology Excavation -Corsham, Wiltshire
Cranfield University2023-02-16T11:48:06+00:0001/10/2020|forensic anthropology | forensic archaeology | Forensics | historic sites | Module | student experience|
Find out what was discovered on our practical Archaeology excavation module.
Go big or go home!
Cranfield University2021-09-16T14:50:29+01:0019/12/2018|Community Water and Sanitation | Module | water|
For the third two-week module of the Water and Sanitation for Development MSc, students were given the exciting task of participating in an urban water utility simulation. WaterMan is an activity which simulates the financial ...