Choosing the right reference management tool for you…
Helen Holmes2025-03-21T12:35:15+00:0025/03/2025|barrington | citation generator | knl | mendeley | mybib | reference management software | referencing | SOMLibrary | zotero | zoterobib|
Are you thinking about using reference management software to help you manage your references? The Library is here to help you. While Mendeley has been our go-to reference management software for some years, we've recently ...
Updating the Mendeley Cite add-in
Penny Robertson2025-03-21T10:51:12+00:0018/03/2025|barrington | knl | mendeley | mendeley cite add-in | mendeley reference manager | mirc | referencing | SOMLibrary|
When using Mendeley Cite with Word, sometimes it is necessary to update the Add-in. If you see this message: There are a few steps to try: 1. Sign out of your office account by going ...
Creating a new user account in Mendeley
Tracey Nunn2025-03-13T10:56:20+00:0010/03/2025|barrington | knl | mendeley | referencing | SOMLibrary|
Before you start using Mendeley reference management software, you will need to create an account. This is a really simple process and should take you no more than a couple of minutes. Just follow the ...
Creating a bibliography is easy in Mendeley
Tracey Nunn2025-02-27T12:18:32+00:0004/03/2025|bibliography | knl | mendeley | mirc | muscat | referencing | SOMLibrary|
If you’re using Mendeley Cite, Mendeley's citation plug-in for Word, you will soon be ready to generate a bibliography of all the references you have cited. Here we’ll run through how quick and easy it ...
Using Watch Folders in Mendeley
Tracey Nunn2025-02-20T15:49:27+00:0025/02/2025|knl | mendeley | referencing | SOMLibrary|
Looking for a quick and easy way of adding documents to your Mendeley library? Wouldn't it be great if you could add PDFs to a folder on your computer and these could be automatically imported ...
Setting up a shared group folder in a reference manager
Cranfield University2025-02-18T13:09:18+00:0018/02/2025|barrington | bibliography | group projects | knl | mendeley | referencing | SOMLibrary|
Many of our students are now busy working on their group projects. One easy way to share references amongst a group is to set up group folders in a reference manager like Mendeley or Zotero. ...