Why combatting deshopping is key to retail success
Alix Elwin2023-07-07T13:04:31+01:0007/07/2023|deshopping | e-commerce | future of everything | marketing | retail | sales | Strategic Marketing MSc | sustainability|
From clothing worn once for a special event then returned for a full refund, to tins of half-used paint taken back to store containing a brick to make up the weight, fraudulent returns are ...
Marketing sustainability claims: How to avoid greenwashing
Alix Elwin2023-04-05T16:18:18+01:0021/03/2023|corporate sustainability | Greenwashing | Management and Corporate Sustainability MSc | marketing | Strategic Marketing Forum | Strategic Marketing MSc | sustainability | Sustainability MSc | Sustainable marketing|
As businesses strive to market themselves to best appeal to today’s sustainability-conscious consumers, it is perhaps inevitable that claims will be made that don’t necessarily give the truth, the whole truth and nothing but ...
“Studying at Cranfield encouraged me to move out of my comfort zone”
Alix Elwin2022-05-10T12:20:11+01:0010/05/2022|apprenticeship | Apprenticeship levy | Career Development | marketing | Marketing and Leadership MSc | school of management | Senior Leader Apprenticeship | Senior Leader Apprenticeship+ Marketing and Leadership MSc|
For marketing professional Jim Davies, studying for a part-time MSc in Marketing and Leadership at Cranfield School of Management was the catalyst for making a bold career move after more than a decade spent ...
Why we love John Lewis at Christmas: The psychology behind festive adverts
Cranfield University2021-09-15T16:24:25+01:0014/12/2020|Adverts | christmas | Christmas TV ads | marketing|
By Dr Annmarie Hanlon, Senior Lecturer in Digital and Social Media Marketing Christmas is big business, and the world of the festive television advert is no different. Over the past decade, Christmas offerings from the ...
Rising to the challenge: Teaching an MSc the COVID-19 way
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:10:36+01:0012/06/2020|covid-19 | marketing | online learning|
As an academic working on a busy university campus, my days are filled with interactions with our students. We currently have 101 people on the MSc in Strategic Marketing, from 18 countries around the world. ...
Marketing in this Covid-19 driven recession
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:32:56+01:0025/03/2020|marketing|
Professor Malcolm McDonald offers these thoughts during these difficult times in order to encourage all those of us who are intensely worried by the effects of the COVID-19 driven recession. It is pure fiction to ...