Leadership and Management
Book Review: “The Art of Action: How Leaders Close the Gaps between Plans, Actions and Results”
Cranfield University2021-09-16T09:59:36+01:0008/01/2018|Tags: business, leadership, Leadership and Management, management, mission command, strategy|
Basically, this book explains what “Mission Command” (subject of our on-going blogs) really is so that you can actually understand it, and start applying it on a practical basis. It also lines up beautifully with ...
Introducing… Bloomberg Intelligence primers
Tracey Nunn2025-01-08T11:02:55+00:0028/02/2017|Tags: Bloomberg, company information, cranfield school of management, industries, Leadership and Management, mirc, primers, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-company, web-mirc-industry|
Getting high quality research fast can often prove problematic. Bloomberg provides analysis on a wide range of financial topics relating to companies, industries and countries amongst other things. Check out the Bloomberg Intelligence function <BI> ...
Employee bonuses: why, what and how?
Dr Ruth Bender2016-01-22T13:51:24+00:0022/01/2016|Tags: bankers, bankers' bonus, bonus, cranfield school of management, cranfield university, employees, Leadership and Management, ruth bender|
“I will not work any harder or any less hard in any year, in any day because someone is going to pay me any more or less." John Cryan, CEO Deutsche Bank, November 2015 After ...