Our wellbeing corners have a name – The Nook!
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2024-07-15T18:08:02+01:0016/07/2024|Tags: knl, SOMLibrary, Wellbeing|
Earlier this year, we asked you to think of a name for our new wellbeing corners in the Kings Norton and School of Management Libraries. We had so many great suggestions, and would like to ...
Getting ready to hand in your thesis?
Cranfield University2024-07-12T15:00:47+01:0015/07/2024|Tags: academic writing, advice, formatting, guidelines, IT, knl, SOMLibrary, stress, template, thesis|
You are nearly there! Many of our current students are starting to think about finishing their theses. If you are one of them, then you might find this post useful as you write up your ...
Systematic Literature Review – Managing duplicates
Mandy Smith2024-07-08T15:52:26+01:0011/07/2024|Tags: barrington, knl, researchers, screening, slr, SOMLibrary, students, systematic review|
One of the questions which often comes up when discussing the SLR process is how do I manage my references in the most efficient way during the process of going from my search results to ...
CORD is now live in the new Cranfield Repository (CERES)!
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2024-07-05T16:32:16+01:0008/07/2024|Tags: barrington, ceres, cord, knl, rdm, research data management, research publishing, SOMLibrary|
Last Wednesday, 3 July, we launched a new joint platform for our CORD and CERES systems. It will enable us to manage and share Cranfield’s research data and publications in one place. The fresh, modern ...
Leaving Cranfield soon? Have you heard about Alumni Library Online?
Cranfield University2025-01-16T12:32:50+00:0001/07/2024|Tags: alo, alumni, alumni library, barrington, knl, mirc, SOMLibrary|
We are proud to offer one of the UK’s leading university library services for alumni. Alumni Library Online gives you instant access to thousands of top quality journal articles and the latest thinking to support ...
Developing the CRIS – now you can do more!
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2024-06-25T14:58:38+01:0025/06/2024|Tags: barrington, cris, early career researchers, knl, research, research excellence framework, research publishing, SOMLibrary|
Our new CRIS (research information system) was launched in December 2023 and the team have been working hard behind the scenes to make it even better. We have just introduced three new improvements that we ...