New edition of the APA7 Author-Date referencing guide published
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2024-09-13T16:44:12+01:0016/09/2024|Tags: APA7, barrington, knl, referencing, SOMLibrary|
We have issued a second edition of the APA7 Author-Date referencing guide. The updated edition contains an enhanced introduction written in association with the academic language support team. It includes guidance on why and when ...
Looking for audiobooks?
Helen Holmes2024-08-29T11:02:04+01:0029/08/2024|Tags: accessibility, audiobooks, books, disability, ebooks, knl, SOMLibrary|
Are you looking for an audiobook? Maybe you find them more convenient because you can listen to them on-the-go. Maybe you prefer to learn by listening. Or maybe you have a disability that means audiobooks ...
Sourcing country analysis – a guide to Library sources
Helen Holmes2024-08-23T15:59:15+01:0023/08/2024|Tags: bmi, country information, FitchConnect, gme, knl, mirc, passport, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-economics|
For those researching a country, you will find that country information tends to take two forms: Analysis - country reports are descriptive reports covering most areas of interest on a country. They contain an analysis ...
Bank holiday hours for Library Services: Monday 26 August
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2024-08-19T11:55:57+01:0019/08/2024|Tags: bank holiday, barrington, knl, opening hours, SOMLibrary|
Library Services staff will be taking a break on Monday 26 August for the bank holiday. You will still be able to access all the resources and help you need via our library website. The 24/7 ...
Our Study Skills Hub has been refreshed!
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2024-08-05T17:37:37+01:0005/08/2024|Tags: barrington, knl, SOMLibrary, study skills|
With its improved navigation and impressive content, we are confident our new look Study Skills Hub can help you develop the key skills you need to study and learn effectively. The Hub is available 24/7 ...
Working on your internship report
Tracey Nunn2024-08-01T16:46:27+01:0001/08/2024|Tags: CranfieldSOM, internship, knl, msc in management, SOMLibrary, thesis|
Instead of producing a traditional thesis, as covered in our other post, some students in the School of Management - and perhaps some in other Cranfield Schools too - will embark upon on an internship ...