How do I access the full-text of Harvard Business Review (HBR)?
Angela Sparks2025-01-20T11:19:04+00:0023/01/2025|Tags: articles, ebsco, ejournals, hbr, journals, knl, library search, mirc, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-articles|
This is one of the most frequently asked questions in the School of Management Library, and it's worth knowing how to access this key management journal. So, how do you access HBR in full-text? The ...
Systematic Literature Review – Where do I begin?
Ruth Knowles2024-03-15T14:34:57+00:0015/02/2024|Tags: barrington, journals, knl, literature review, mirc, researchers, slr, SOMLibrary, systematic review, web-mirc-articles|
Undertaking a systematic literature review can seem a bit daunting so breaking it down into separate stages is a good way to begin. In this blog post we’re going to identify some background reading and ...
Finding journals in full-text… using eJournals Finder
Karen Stokes2023-09-01T17:28:52+01:0001/09/2023|Tags: articles, ejournals, ejournals finder, journals, mirc, SOMLibrary|
Do you want to find out if the Library service has access to full-text for a particular journal? Maybe you would you like to read the latest issue, or browse the contents? One of the easiest ...
Where should you publish your paper?
Georgina Parsons2023-02-20T20:31:33+00:0028/09/2017|Tags: barrington, journals, knl, mirc, OA, open access, paper, publication, SOMLibrary|
That's not an easy question as there are lots of factors to take into consideration when choosing where to publish, but let's take a look at a few aspects. Firstly, you probably need or want ...