Field Trip
First field trip with my classmates!
Cranfield University2021-09-16T15:45:32+01:0014/03/2019|environment | Field Trip | Geographical Information Management MSc|
I’m studying Geographical Information Management MSc (GIM) at Cranfield and my background is in Environmental Engineering. The idea of living in the UK seemed very interesting to me. I’d planned to go to the UK, ...
Visit to Waitrose NDC 
Keith Cortis2015-11-05T22:08:23+00:0005/11/2015|“Cranfield” | Field Trip | ndc | waitrose|
It was Monday 2nd November, and for the majority of the LSCM 15/16 cohort it was a good day to sleep in after the weekend as lectures started in the afternoon… but not for all ...
First Field Trip of LSCMers To River Island Magna Park Distribution Center
Ning Wu2015-10-15T21:45:14+01:0015/10/2015|Field Trip|
Hello Everyone!This is Ning Wu(Winnie). I am one of the Communication Representatives from the Yellow Stream for the 2015/16 Full-time MSc in Logistics and Supply Chain Management(LSCM) programme in Cranfield University School of Management(SOM). I'd ...