The day Ecoed came to Cranfield
Cranfield University2021-09-16T14:54:21+01:0009/01/2019|Tags: environment, environmental engineering, environmental management for business, management and corporate sustainability|
Let me start by explaining what Ecoed actually is. Founded by Maria Soledad Riestra, Ecoed Game is an app game designed to educate and influence behaviour changes with a focus on four key environmental issues, ...
My dream to study phosphorus
Cranfield University2021-09-16T14:51:36+01:0021/12/2018|Tags: environment, PhD, Sue White Fund, water|
My passion for farming from young age drove me to agricultural college. After my first and second degree I have been involved with smallholder farmers making sure they get the best out of their fields, ...
Dirt science and getting grubby!
Cranfield University2021-09-16T14:10:22+01:0021/11/2018|Tags: environment, land reclamation, msc, soil science|
My first few weeks in Cranfield have been a bit overwhelming, with a complete difference in learning style (more independent learning), handing in assignments, learning how to paraphrase and reference properly to avoid plagiarism, and ...
My Cranfield experience so far
Cranfield University2021-09-16T12:57:15+01:0017/11/2018|Tags: environment, environmental engineering, msc, waste|
I must say the first week of my Environmental Engineering MSc study was a busy week. To be honest, I do not think I handled it very smooth, because this was the first time for ...
My first ever module at Cranfield: Environmental Risks
Cranfield University2021-09-16T12:54:49+01:0015/11/2018|Tags: environment, environmental engineering, msc|
After welcome week provided a safety net to settle in, make friends and get accustomed to structured days again it was time for the real work to start. I am studying the Environmental Engineering MSc ...
Learning a new skill in my life on the Geographic Information Management MSc
Cranfield University2021-09-16T12:49:03+01:0010/11/2018|Tags: environment, Environment and Agrifood, Geographical Information Management MSc, GIS|
My name is Nuha, I am from Sultanate of Oman. I worked in Oman National Hydrographic Office as a Development Specialist. My background is in database systems and cartography. Cranfield University offers the Geographic Information ...