Doing Good, Doing Well 2016 – Cranfield goes to Barcelona…
Cranfield University2021-09-15T09:58:48+01:0010/03/2016|Tags: "Cranfield Defence & Security", “Cranfield”, 3d printing, barcelona, corporate responsibility, corporate sustainability, cranfield mba, doing good and doing well 2016, management and corporate sustainability, mba, sustainable|
Being a financial assurance professional, when I first heard about the 'Doing Good, Doing Well' conference in Barcelona what came to my mind was transparency, ethical conduct and corporate social responsibility disclosures in financial statements. My experiences ...
Fatbergs in our sewers – are modern culinary habits to blame?
Cranfield University2021-09-14T16:50:38+01:0005/02/2016|Tags: “Cranfield”, fat, fatberg, FOG, oil and grease, sewer blockage, STREAM IDC, wastewater, water, water research, water treatment|
Food is crucial in our life. Since the Neolithic period, our eating habits have dramatically evolved. Early man lived a nomadic life, hunting and picking fruits and vegetables. The revolution in our ancestors’ lifestyles came ...
LSCM Christmas Dinner and Happy New Year to All
Cranfield University2021-09-14T16:12:45+01:0001/01/2016|Tags: “Cranfield”, Christmasdinner, CranfieldBeyond2020, CranfieldSOM, CranfieldUni, HappyNewYear, LSCMers|
Happy New Year to everyone! 🙂 I hope you all have had a lovely Christmas holiday with loved ones. It is now officially 2016 😀 Oh Yeah! Fresh start! Have you set your New Year's ...
The ‘Green’ Week, Careers Fair, Guest Lectures and Game…
Chang Song2015-11-25T13:32:32+00:0025/11/2015|Tags: “Cranfield”, balance, careers, guest lecture, LSCMers, sustainability|
Yeah! we are less than four weeks away from the Christmas break 😀 There are one more assignment due date and two exams before we can enjoy the holiday... all LSCMers are working super hard ...
Visit to Waitrose NDC 🙂
Keith Cortis2015-11-05T22:08:23+00:0005/11/2015|Tags: “Cranfield”, Field Trip, ndc, waitrose|
It was Monday 2nd November, and for the majority of the LSCM 15/16 cohort it was a good day to sleep in after the weekend as lectures started in the afternoon… but not for all ...
Highlights for the past three weeks & Bowling game
Chang Song2015-11-04T07:33:23+00:0004/11/2015|Tags: “Cranfield”, Bowling, LSCMers, student life|
Hello again from Chang 😉 Cannot believe we are already in week 5 :-O There’s so much going on every week. Here are a few highlights from the past three weeks: Warehouse/factory visits (covered by ...