Six lessons businesses need to learn in order to ‘build back better’ after the crisis
Cranfield University2021-09-15T16:06:05+01:0029/01/2021|climate change | covid-19 | environment | supply chain | sustainability|
The threat of this pandemic has brought the fragility of our civilisations into stark relief. It will focus policymakers and businesses alike on the importance of protecting and strengthening the health of our communities and ...
Cranfield, Covid-19 and o(nline)-week
Cranfield University2021-09-15T16:41:29+01:0012/11/2020|covid-19 | mba | scholarship | school of management|
I was not sure what to expect when moving to Cranfield in September 2020 with Covid-19. The University had been providing us constant updates and plans on how the course was going to be run ...
Partnerships in the face of a crisis: What we share over what divides us.
Cranfield University2021-09-15T16:54:30+01:0001/10/2020|corporate sustainability | covid-19|
The COVID-19 crisis has demanded response from all sectors of society, from government, business, schools and community groups and us as individual citizens. It’s reminded us how fragile our society and our planet truly are, ...
Love, loss and mental health
Cranfield University2021-09-16T14:44:00+01:0021/09/2020|covid-19 | employee care | mental health|
A shining message of hope from The Step Up Network: you don’t have to wait until you hit rock bottom to ask for help. When lockdown was announced in the UK in March, society was ...
NERC COVID-19 Digital Sprint – Hackathon series
Cranfield University2021-09-16T15:38:26+01:0013/07/2020|#NERChackCovid19 | covid-19 | Digital Environment | Digital Sprint | hackathon | nerc|
We have now passed halfway through our NERC COVID-19 'Digital Sprint' hackathon activities, and there are some fascinating outputs emerging from this! Cranfield University's Ron Corstanje and Stephen Hallett act together as the Natural Environment ...
Moving past COVID-19 with the help of the Cranfield MSc
Cranfield University2021-09-16T15:45:21+01:0024/06/2020|covid-19 | leadership | management|
Prior to the coronavirus pandemic, a typical day for Cranfield Master’s in Management and Leadership student Jo Stradling might have involved travelling into London for a meeting, working out of a nurses’ office in Northampton, ...