company information
Introducing… Bloomberg Intelligence primers
Tracey Nunn2025-01-08T11:02:55+00:0028/02/2017|Tags: Bloomberg, company information, cranfield school of management, industries, Leadership and Management, mirc, primers, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-company, web-mirc-industry|
Getting high quality research fast can often prove problematic. Bloomberg provides analysis on a wide range of financial topics relating to companies, industries and countries amongst other things. Check out the Bloomberg Intelligence function <BI> ...
Introducing… BoardEx – for research on company boards and directors
Mary Betts-Gray2024-02-09T16:35:15+00:0008/04/2016|Tags: boardex, company information, compensation, director information, mirc, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-company, web-mirc-finance|
Do you need information about company boards or are you trying to find out about individual directors? If so, BoardEx may have the information you are looking for. What is BoardEx? BoardEx provides global board and ...
Screening for FTSE 100 companies on Bloomberg
Karen Stokes2024-02-09T16:31:44+00:0016/09/2015|Tags: Bloomberg, company financials, company information, ftse, mirc, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-finance|
So you’re researching an index and need some data on its constituent companies? Bloomberg’s Equity Screening tool makes light work of this, not just for the FTSE, but for indices, exchanges and sectors worldwide. Type EQS ...