Soil, carbon and climate change
Paula Battle2021-11-05T11:56:50+00:0005/11/2021|Tags: carbon, climate change, soil|
Organic matter in soil, which contains carbon originating from plants and organisms, is an important part of regulating the Earth’s climate. Soil is a huge store of carbon and is estimated to contain three times ...
Why we need to commit to hydrogen for a clean, green and more stable future of energy
Alice Kirkaldy2021-10-27T12:36:54+01:0027/10/2021|Tags: carbon, cop 26, electricity, energy, hydrogen, HyPER, net zero, renewables, sustainability|
So often, our ideal vision of a green world involves a landscape of renewable energy sources: wind turbines, solar panels and hydro power providing all the electricity we need. Then we’ll just plug and ...
Mapping what’s beneath our feet on #WorldSoilDay
Dr Jacqueline Hannam2017-12-05T00:01:33+00:0005/12/2017|Tags: agriculture, carbon, climate, flooding, horticulture, landis, soilscapes, sustainability, world soil day|
Photos: Jack making soil observations using a soil auger; a map of strawberry growing areas in Hampshire by Dr Frances Kay 1939; National Soil Archive at Cranfield University; map of electrical conductivity revealing differences in ...