campus life
My Cranfield experience so far – made possible by the IWA Excellence Scholarship
Lauren Owers2023-01-06T15:11:45+00:0004/01/2023|advanced water management | campus life | choosing cranfield | cranfield experience | csa | fees and funding | full-time study | immigration | international students | IWA scholarship | life at cranfield | new students | postgraduate life | scholarship | student accommodation | student visa | sustainable water futures | visa | visa application | water|
To study my MSc in Advanced Water Management at Cranfield University, it was made possible by the International Water Association’s Excellence Scholarship and a bursary from my employer, Zutari. For international students, funding is ...
Experiencing lockdown on-campus, in the village and in London…
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:28:57+01:0006/04/2020|campus life | lockdown | London | school of management | village|
For this blog post I asked some of our volunteer student bloggers to describe their experience of lockdown. Each of our students are living in different locations – Cranfield University campus, Cranfield Village and London ...
Cranfield: a melting pot of diversity
Cranfield University2021-09-16T10:08:14+01:0014/02/2018|campus environment | campus life | diversity | life on campus|
Cranfield, a place I couldn’t initially find on the map just six months back, is now my home. No matter how much I complain about the apparently boring and mundane daily life here, I am ...
The Cranfield Chronicles, winter edition: runway to Cranfield!
Cranfield University2021-09-16T10:02:51+01:0022/01/2018|“Cranfield” | campus life | cranfield school of management | management | new students | postgraduate | study routine | varied cohort|
As I travel to Tuscany in Italy, sitting by the window in the train, looking out at the picturesque hills, it seems an ideal time for me to write about all things Cranfield, to appreciate ...
Lost your passport and visa? Don’t panic…
Tony Wu2017-02-01T16:33:50+00:0001/02/2017|“Cranfield” | campus life | immigration | logistics and supply chain management | New experience | passport | visa|
Hi everyone, this is my first time to speak up in the Cranfield blog and I am glad to share my experience losing my passport. You might say, wait a sec! Why would you be so ...
Hit the gym before you hit the books
Kelly Kim2017-01-16T14:52:27+00:0016/01/2017|campus life | cranfield university | facilities | gym | internationals | student life|
We know the value of time. We’re all juggling different combinations of classes, extracurricular actives, internships and part-time jobs while attempting to maintain some semblance of a social life. When you finally have a moment ...