Setting up a shared group folder in a reference manager
Cranfield University2025-02-18T13:09:18+00:0018/02/2025|Tags: barrington, bibliography, group projects, knl, mendeley, referencing, SOMLibrary|
Many of our students are now busy working on their group projects. One easy way to share references amongst a group is to set up group folders in a reference manager like Mendeley or Zotero. ...
Working on your group project? We can help!
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2025-02-12T15:54:46+00:0012/02/2025|Tags: academic writing, barrington, group projects, knl, poster presentation, SOMLibrary, study skills, teamwork|
When undertaking a group project, typically you'll need to investigate a topic, decide on a methodology for your investigation, gather and collate information and data, share your findings with each other, and then formally report ...
Running a peer analysis in Fame
Helen Holmes2025-02-06T14:47:09+00:0006/02/2025|Tags: barrington, company financials, data, dmda, ecbs, fame, knl, mirc, peer analysis, SOMLibrary, web-mirc-finance|
If you need to compare a UK company’s financial performance against that of other companies, Fame is a great place to start. This database contains the financial accounts of over 8.5 million public and private ...
Embracing Race Equality Week 2025: Every Action Counts
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2025-01-30T15:57:07+00:0003/02/2025|Tags: barrington, Diversity and Inclusion, knl, SOMLibrary|
This week is Race Equality Week 2025 (3-9 February). This year's theme, #EveryActionCounts, emphasizes that every small step we take contributes to a larger movement towards a more equitable society. One way to get involved ...
Referencing the use of generative AI in your work
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2025-01-27T13:30:36+00:0027/01/2025|Tags: barrington, Generative AI, knl, referencing, SOMLibrary|
We recognise that Artificial Intelligence (AI) has, and will increasingly, become a part of our everyday lives and that we need to adapt to it. Hopefully you will have already seen the provisional guidance for ...
Want to improve your reading skills?
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2025-01-14T14:03:59+00:0014/01/2025|Tags: barrington, critical evaluation, knl, reading, SOMLibrary, study skills|
Are you starting to read through the mountains of journals, books or articles for your project or on your course reading list? Let’s start with a few myths about the reading process: You need to ...