academic writing
Get a head start on referencing and plagiarism
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2023-10-05T09:24:04+01:0004/10/2023|Tags: academic writing, barrington, knl, new students, plagiarism, referencing, SOMLibrary, study skills|
We offer a module on Referencing And Avoiding Plagiarism which you can find on your Canvas dashboard. It explains the role and importance of citing references and how to incorporate the work of other authors ...
Do you know what makes a Technical Report special?
Katie Abranson2023-04-18T16:28:23+01:0020/04/2023|Tags: academic writing, barrington, group design project, group projects, knl, SOMLibrary, technical reports|
Writing a technical report is a little different to writing a lab report or an essay for your tutors, requiring a different approach, communication skills and format. What are technical reports? Technical reports are formal, ...
Too much to do? Can’t get your thoughts down on paper?
Karyn Meaden-Pratt2023-02-20T18:57:25+00:0027/06/2022|Tags: academic writing, barrington, knl, mirc, SOMLibrary, study skills, time management|
Our Study Skills Hub has two sections that may be able to help you! In Time Management we have some great tips on how to manage your time, to prioritise, and de-stress. First of all, ...
The rain falls on everyone, but drought hits the most marginalised worst
Wayne Coulter2022-06-10T13:19:08+01:0027/05/2022|Tags: academic writing, climate, climate change, water|
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) recently reported that we will experience an increased frequency of climate-induced disasters such as famines and droughts and humanitarian crises like displacements, with Africa being singled out ...
Evaluating your sources
Cranfield University2023-02-20T19:27:08+00:0001/02/2021|Tags: academic writing, barrington, education, information literacy, knl, mirc, SOMLibrary|
“(...) and so with too little sleep and too much reading his brains dried up, causing him to lose his mind.” Don Quixote Are you suffering from information overload? How will you evaluate the quality ...
Shut up and Write!
Cranfield University2023-02-20T19:27:16+00:0029/01/2021|Tags: academic writing, barrington, knl, mirc, SOMLibrary|
Writing can be a solitary experience and the overwhelming force of procrastination too often prevents it from happening at all. If this sounds familiar to you, then we may have the solution! The CDS Doc ...