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My experience studying Advanced Materials Msc at Cranfield


Jesintha standing outside the Cranfield Boeing 737-800 aircraft.

“I chose to study the Advanced Materials MSc course at Cranfield as I believed it would provide me with the ability to learn about a variety of fields in materials, be able to get hands-on experience working across the different research centres and gain a good exposure to industry.”

Current student, Jesintha Kuriakose shares more about her experience studying with us and what she’s enjoying the most about the campus and course structure:

Why did you choose to study with us?

“Postgraduate study was not something I thought I would pursue. However, during my Bachelor’s degree, I grew an interest in materials science and decided I wanted to learn more about it. I was first introduced to Cranfield University when there was an opportunity, as part of my undergraduate course to take part in a flight course at the National Flying Laboratory Centre. It was really enjoyable, and I was able to experience different flight modes which I had learnt about during one of my modules. I really liked the greenery and serenity of the campus which was a pleasant contrast to my undergraduate university campus in London.”

Can you tell us more about the assignments involved, and your group project?

“There are eight taught modules each delivered over one week, from October to January. Each module is assessed either through a written examination or coursework assignment. The assignments really allowed me to reinforce what I learnt and research about related topics. The questions are challenging; however, they have really helped me as someone from a non-materials background to gain a good understanding of materials science and provide structure and guidance to my learning.”

What do we offer that was different?

“One thing which stood out to me about Cranfield was the group project which other universities did not offer. My project is on electropolishing which I had no prior experience in. I enjoy being able to work in the lab. The group project has allowed me to use some of the different surface analysis equipment and has allowed me to learn about a field which I had never thought about before.”

“There’s a lot of research going on here and the group project adds another opportunity to take part in that research which varies the experience you gain from your degree. Many projects here are sponsored which allows you to work on projects which make an impact and gain exposure to different industries. One particular module offered on the Advanced Materials MSc course, which not many other universities teach, is the surface science and engineering module.”

What do you hope to achieve? What are your career aspirations?

“I hope to gain a good foundation in my understanding of the different classes of material, how they are processed and manufactured. I ideally want to work in industry after my studies in materials research. I hope to be introduced to different materials applications, gain experience from lab work and through this inform my career path.

The careers service at Cranfield has been quite useful in providing information about job vacancies, making applications and getting through interviews. They provide access to a CV builder which has helped me improve my CV significantly. I have also attended Careers Fairs and talks delivered by people from industry. Two I went to recently was on careers at Ferrari and composites use in industry.”

What are your favourite spots on campus?

“The Kings Norton Library is located near the airport and the large windows makes it quite scenic and open. A great place to study.

There is also a small, wooded area at the edge of campus which is great to go walking in and clear the mind.”

What have been the highlights of your course so far?

“The group project has really helped me to gain lab experience and learn about a new subject area. Working in a team has been fun and helped me to make more friends.

Cranfield has a very welcoming atmosphere. The students are really friendly and supportive. It’s a small community so you get to meet many people. The students are from diverse backgrounds and nationalities giving you the exposure to learn new things about other cultures and make international connections.

Overall, this course has given me an idea of the many fields which I can work in as materials scientist/engineer.”

Study Advanced Materials MSc

Jesintha Kuriakose

Current Advanced Materials MSc student (2022-2023)

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