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Homepage / School of Water, Energy and Environment makes 2,000 staff publications available via open access!

School of Water, Energy and Environment makes 2,000 staff publications available via open access!



We are delighted to announce that our School of Water, Energy and Environment has reached its 2,000th staff publication deposit in CERES, the publicly accessible repository of the University’s research outputs. CERES includes journal articles, PhD theses, book chapters, working papers and technical reports.

The publication that reached this target was:

Lee H, Coulon F, Wagland ST. (2022) Influence of pH, depth and humic acid on metal and metalloids recovery from municipal solid waste landfills. Science of the Total Environment, 806, Pt. 1, Article number 150332

Discover the SWEE 2000th article

It is Hyeyeon Lee’s first publication from her PhD studies at Cranfield, co-authored with her supervisors Dr Stuart Wagland and Professor Frederic Coulon. Stuart comments:

“The work aligns with ongoing work on enhanced landfill mining, a topic of growing interest in the UK.  This article presents exciting findings on recovering metals from closed landfill sites, an area of research that we are continuing to develop alongside academic and industrial partners from across the UK and the EU.”

As a Green open access article it has been made discoverable by depositing the citation and abstract into CERES straightaway.  The accepted version of the paper will be made publicly available after the publisher embargo period has passed on 16 September 2022.  Should anyone be interested in seeing the paper before the embargo has passed it can be requested via the CERES request-a-copy service. The AAM will then be supplied with the author’s permission for personal and educational use only.

Hyeyeon, Stuart and Frederic’s article has only recently been added to CERES, but the record has already had views from five countries. You can track its usage statistics here. We collect lots of other stats from CERES, such as the top ten most popular searches – an author search for Frederic is number six in the top 10! See the full list of search statistics here. Another of his publications is one of the most viewed publications on CERES, with 6369 views!

Most viewed publications on CERES:

Audsley E, Brander M, Chatterton J, et al., (2009). How low can we go? An assessment of greenhouse gas emissions from the UK food system and the scope to reduce them by 2050. WWF-UK

Martin Christopher and Helen Peck, Building the resilient supply chain. International Journal of Logistics Management, Vol. 15, No. 2, pp1-13, 2004

Garcia-Alcega S, Coulon F. Characterizing outdoor air using microbial volatile organic compounds (MVOCs), Chapter 6. In: Cumeras R, Correig X, (Eds.), Volatiles organic compounds analysis in biomedical diagnosis applications. 2018, Apple Academic Press, Waretown, New Jersey, USA, pp. 123-158

About CERES and Open Access

CERES was launched in January 2004 and was originally called QuePrints. It now contains over 13,200 publications.

Image by Heiko Stein from Pixabay

Making Cranfield’s research open access (available publicly with no paywall) is essential, not only for the REF, and as a fulfilment of funding requirements, but also as a showcase for Cranfield’s expertise to the outside world.


Could your paper help us achieve the next milestone?

Please help us to continue building CERES by ensuring you deposit your research effectively. All you need to do is:

  • Forward your acceptance email from the publisher to as soon as you receive it.
  • Attach a copy of your Author Accepted Manuscript.
  • Our Open Access Team will then process it in CRIS for inclusion in CERES as soon as any embargoes allow.


If you have any questions about the open access process please contact us via

Clare Humphries

Written By: Karyn Meaden-Pratt

Clare Humphries is an Information Specialist based in the Kings Norton Library. Her role is to support researchers in the School of Water, Energy and Environment, and in the Transport theme in the School of Aerospace, Transport and Manufacturing.

Karyn is the Library Communications Manager and University Archivist.

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