Introducing… ProQuest One Business

Have you had a look at ProQuest One Business yet? No? Go on, login. We would highly recommend it!
This new service has been designed as not just a journal database, but also as a one-stop shop for company, industry and country reports, major news sources, eBooks and videos.

The ProQuest One Business homepage
Those of you who have liked using ABI/Inform in the past will be pleased to know that all of ABI’s content is available via ProQuest One Business and the search interface will be reassuringly familiar.
For a quick search, enter your keywords in the homepage ‘Basic search’ box and use the filter buttons above to select the kind of information you wish to retrieve. For more involved searches, we would always recommend the ‘Advanced search’ function.
You will find ProQuest One Business listed with our journal databases on the Academic articles and papers page and on our A-Z of databases.
Feature image from Pixabay. Available at:
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