Sourcing market share data
Are you looking for data on a company or brand’s market share? There are various places you can look depending on the industry and geography involved. What follows is a quick step-by-step guide to how to find your data…
Passport provides market research for consumer goods markets worldwide. It’s our go-to source for this kind of information.
Use the search box at the top of the Passport homepage to enter the country and market you’re interested in, then click on the search icon or hit enter.
Your results should display across three tabs – for statistics, analysis, and dashboards. Most markets will include both company and brand share data. Brand shares appear in the Statistics tab.
Brand and company shares are displayed in a table format. Click to chart individual data lines. Use the download option (at top right) to save to Excel or PDF.
For UK sectors, Mintel includes market share within its ‘Brand / Company’ section. Access it from the report homepage.
Data is usually formatted in Excel and can be easily downloaded.
IBISWorld is more of an industry-focused service so there’s not too much consumer data there, but brand shares are available for major players in industries across the UK and US.
The ‘At A Glance’ section of an IBISWorld report will display major companies and their market shares. No brand breakdown is available here.
If you’re looking for a bit more, the ‘Major Companies’ section may offer data for a few more companies.
So, as you can see, we have various sources you can use to source market share data. Any questions at all, please contact us or come and say hello in SOM Library.
Feature image from Pixabay. Available at:
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