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Homepage / Working on your group project? We can help!

Working on your group project? We can help!


When undertaking a group project, typically you’ll need to investigate a topic, decide on a methodology for your investigation, gather and collate information and data, share your findings with each other, and then formally report back. These activities can be difficult to do on your own but working in a team can create additional challenges! You need to develop new skills to be able to work together effectively and deliver a great final project.

We have put together some handy resources to help you work effectively and successfully with your group.

Join one of our taught sessions

We are running a series of in-person and online sessions to help you work effectively on your group project. They include:

  • Oral presentation skills
  • Group presentation skills
  • Poster presentation – tips on design and delivery
  • Discussion seminar and group work skills
  • Referencing and paraphrasing

Visit the events calendar for a full list of dates and times, and to book your place

Find online support in the Study Skills Hub

Watch the LinkedIn Learning playlist

And finally…

You may also be able to review previous year’s group project reports as examples. Please ask your SAS team if this is possible.

Don’t forget we are always here to help at and you can find the contact details for your Librarian on your Canvas course programme page.

Joanne Holden, Louise Woodland and Katie Abranson

Written By: Karyn Meaden-Pratt

Joanne is an Academic Skills Tutor, specialising in English for Academic Purposes; Louise is a Research and Study Skills Developer; and Katie is the Teaching and Learning Librarian for Aerospace and Transport taught courses.. They are all staff within Library Services.

Karyn is the Library Communications Manager and University Archivist.

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