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Homepage / Creating a new user account in Mendeley

Creating a new user account in Mendeley


Before you start using Mendeley reference management software, you will need to create an account.  This is really simple and should take you no more than a couple of minutes. Just follow the instructions below.

Head to the Mendeley website and click on the big red ‘Create a free account’ button.

First enter your email address. Using your personal email address in this step will allow you to keep your Mendeley account active once you are no longer a student.

Now enter your name and create your password. This is completely separate from your Eve / CCNT password. Make sure this is something you will remember.

You should receive a validation email from Mendeley to confirm your email address.  Click the link to do so and that’s it.  You’re done!

Your account is now active. You can now download the Mendeley desktop to your devices and explore their comprehensive support pages.

If you’d like to know more about Mendeley before signing up, check out Mary’s previous post here.

Karen Stokes

Written By: Karen Stokes

A Business Librarian since 2009, Karen leads support for the Cranfield MBA courses, both full-time and Executive.

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