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Homepage / An introduction to Cranfield Consulting Club

An introduction to Cranfield Consulting Club


Cranfield Consulting Club

What a resounding success the first Cranfield Consultancy Club meeting was! It was great to see such a large turn out of over 70 students from the MBA and MSc programmes plus PhD students.

Cranfield Consulting Club, the brainchild of President elect Andy Smith, was conceived way before the start of the 2016 academic year with students practising case studies via WhatsApp before meeting in person.

The club is currently applying for official University ratification and encourages a diverse membership across the University. The ethos of the club is that we all learn from each other given our rich and diverse backgrounds. The main passion that we all share is a desire to improve our skillsets and probably pursue a career in consultancy (although this is not a prerequisite to membership!)

The aims of the club are to:

  • Provide students with an overview of management consulting in order to assist them to prioritize their career preferences.
  • Equip those students with the desire to pursue a career in management consulting with the resources needed to successfully navigate their intensive recruitment pipelines.
  • Build and maintain the reputation of Cranfield University with management consulting firms and ensure its future viability with succession planning.

Going forward, the club will be as active as possible with talks/seminars/webinars by experts to share latest trends in the consulting industry. We’ll also be organising networking events with recruiters/associates as well as building skills via worked case study’s, interview case simulation sessions, expert panels and sessions for cracking mathematical and logical reasoning tests.

New members are always welcome throughout the academic year and the membership are invited to be as active as possible. The committee are always open to new ideas and initiatives. Membership is just £5 for the academic year and you are welcome to attend one taster session for free to see if it is for you.

If you’d like to know more about the Cranfield Consulting Club the committee members listed below will be more than happy to have a chat with you.

Andy Smith  President

Rachel Halley  Vice President

Nikhilesh Vidyacharan Secretary

Rachel Halley

Written By: Cranfield University

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