My experience as a Net Zero scholar at Cranfield University
My university experience so far has been rewarding, and exciting but also challenging. It has been a once in a lifetime experience, with both highs and lows, but overall amazing in various ways. I have been spending my time working to achieve my ambitions and desires for my career, as well as building a social life with my fellow students at Cranfield. It has been a great part of my experience as I have been able to make incredible new friends, whilst working towards my master’s degree in Environmental Engineering. The most exciting part of the course is the range of subjects you are taught. I have explored chemistry, biology and others, which together aim to create solutions to real-world problems and lead to more of a sustainable living.
I am delighted to share my NET ZERO scholarship experience which is awarded in the field of environmental sciences at Cranfield University. Although initially, I was not sure I will receive the scholarship, I figured there is no harm in applying. Being a Net-Zero scholar was the best choice I made. I have been part of various events and visited green spaces with the team and scholars. I feel incredibly grateful to have the opportunity to study at Cranfield University with an Agri Net Zero Scholarship. It has allowed me to study at an amazing university and learn so much. I am enjoying every moment and would recommend anyone considering applying to do it! It comes with a great community also and is making my time at Cranfield unforgettable.
Challenges but Rewards!
It is challenging as an engineering student to make a balance between your studies and carrier development. Here are some tips which I think might help.
- Hard work. Try not give up easily. Instead, try to fix things more efficiently and work with your peers if you can.
- Teamwork! It is very essential for engineers, especially while doing group projects. They help you come out with some amazing, unexpected results.
- Meet new people. Some students love to be a part of every festive occasion and indulge in all sorts of social activities, while some feel to be comforted in their own space. You will find all sorts of students while exploring your university life.
It is good to be focused as you have done a lot to reach here but in the end, I believe it is the memories that make you with your friends that really help define your university experience. I believe you would enjoy your time so much more with amazing people by your side!
Sometimes we all sail in the same boat.
One of the best things about university life is that you will always find someone sailing in the same boat as you are. Time management is something everyone has to manage whilst being here. It is very important as sometimes you will be busy with lots of things at the same time but there are people all around to advise you if you are overwhelmed! Communications skills play an equally important role while working as a team, it helps you interact and understand better to work out real practical problems.
The blog is all about the honest experience whilst being at university and studying Environmental Engineering. There are a lot of exciting things coming on my way!
“Stop comparing yourself, everyone has their own skills, some of you don’t even know how amazing you are and how you lift up things when you are struggling too, I believe this makes you beautiful human being – now give yourself a pat”
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