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Homepage / Learning a new skill in my life on the Geographic Information Management MSc

Learning a new skill in my life on the Geographic Information Management MSc


My name is Nuha, I am from Sultanate of Oman. I worked in Oman National Hydrographic Office as a Development Specialist. My background is in database systems and cartography. Cranfield University offers the Geographic Information management MSc which is what I am currently studying. It is what I require to gain experience in this field because every day there are new technologies in the geographic area. I chose Cranfield University because of its academic standards and researcher education types which make it more exciting.

Learning something new in your career keeps anyone thinking, ‘what is next?’ I’m always playing with different types of software because my previous specialisation was Information Technology and my work used several types of software related to cartography and hydrography. Another software I can now add to my long list is Arc GIS software and it is really an amazing one. Arc GIS is a powerful software in the geographic area and in analytical processes in business practices. The software can deal with different types of data like topography, cartography and hydrography. Arc GIS can be elaborate in analysis imagery and remote sensing data, mapping, spatial analytics, real time GIS, 3D GIS and data collection and management. Actually, everyone uses GIS nowadays because it is available anywhere, for example a cars navigator.

My first day with the software was tricky, it looked ambiguous for me and it is totally different from what I learnt previously. During the first week with the software, I learnt the basic principles and methods which allowed me to do the next assignment. Arc GIS is a wonderful tool and makes you think before you start using it. The software can connect to various types of data and connectivity with web in a suitable way. For instance, you can create a web-based application via Arc GIS connecting with any external Relational Database Management System (RDMS) like oracle or Microsoft Structured Query Language (SQL) software.

Learning is a method that should be used in your life, adding knowledge to understand what exactly is going on in the world. Learning and working hard helps you to reach your goals and achieve your ambition and dreams, my ambition is doing any type of research and discovering what topic I should choose for my PhD for my next level of educational.

Nuha Al-Subhi

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