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Homepage / Keren Tuv: My Cranfield experience studying Renewable Energy

Keren Tuv: My Cranfield experience studying Renewable Energy


Hello, my name is Keren, I am from London, UK, and I am studying Renewable Energy MSc. My journey to discovering Cranfield University began when I first decided to return to academia to pursue a career change. Having previously studied Physics for my first degree, I was eager to build on this knowledge and apply it to a career in the renewable energy sector.

I was particularly drawn to the Cranfield’s Renewable Energy degree course because of its strong research and industry links. I could really see the emphasis on the practical application of the course’s content and the potential benefits of what I would be learning.

The interactive nature of the lectures during the taught modules stage of the course was very engaging, and helped reinforce my understanding of the material. I also appreciated how this offered me the opportunity to collaborate with my peers and enhance my group work skills, which would help during the later stages of the course. I have thoroughly enjoyed my experience of studying at Cranfield. It has provided me with the opportunity to grow and challenge myself, learn a variety of new topics and gain valuable experimental experience.

I was also fortunate to be awarded the Brian Meredith Net Zero Scholarship by Green Future Investments Ltd which has greatly assisted me getting closer in achieving my goal, for which I am very grateful.

I have found Cranfield to be a very welcoming and supportive environment to study in, providing not only high-quality teaching, but also high-quality services. In particular, the Cranfield Careers and Employability service whose multiple Career Fairs and advice on improving my CV and interview skills, have helped inform my career path after completing this degree course.

Keren Tuv

Written By: Autumn Handscombe

Renewable Energy MSc, 2024 | Brian Meredith Scholar

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