What opportunities do the COP26 outcomes bring to the coal-reliant countries?
Wayne Coulter2022-04-29T15:48:40+01:0007/12/2021|Tags: “Cranfield”, COP26, cranfield university, energy, energy industry|
The 26th Conference of Parties (COP) was deemed as our chance to save our planet from drastic climate change. Each one of us working in the area related to the decarbonisation of our economy ...
Dr Sarah Qureshi: tackling the biggest environmental issue you’ve never heard of!
Tiffany Trethowan2022-06-06T16:31:49+01:0025/11/2021|Tags: aerospace, entrepreneurship, sustainability|
Last year we were joined by the last in our series of Autumn 2021 Guest Speakers. Speaking live from her base in Pakistan, Dr Sarah Qureshi told the story of how her fledgling business, Aero ...
Industry-academia: addressing the climate crisis by working together
Paula Battle2021-11-05T13:24:34+00:0005/11/2021|Tags: climate change, cop 26, sustainability|
If there’s one thing everyone involved with tackling climate change agrees on, it’s the need for collaboration globally. Partnerships of all shapes and sizes, a coming together of governments, business, industry regulators and the third ...
My viva experience
Cranfield University2021-09-15T16:08:05+01:0021/01/2021|Tags: student experience, study, thesis|
One of the happiest moments of my life was when I finally submitted my PhD thesis. After 3 years of hard work, countless number of experiments, endless hours in front of my computer analyzing data, ...
Tech giant McAfee becomes 100th business backing MK:U to deliver the technical skills the UK economy needs
Cranfield University2021-09-15T16:50:47+01:0019/10/2020|
Today, the global security giant McAfee becomes the 100th member of the MK:U Business Supporters Group. Together, we are a coalition that employs over 700,000 people in the UK alone. Our members span from world ...
MSc Advanced Lightweight and Composite Structures at Cranfield Impact Centre
Cranfield University2021-09-16T15:44:35+01:0012/03/2019|Tags: Advanced lightweight and composite structures, Cranfield Impact Centre|
Cranfield Impact Centre (CIC) evolved from the School of Automotive Studies and became a Ltd company in 1985. Nowadays, international leading-edge research on vehicle crashworthiness and occupant simulation is developed in its facilities, providing effective ...