Strategic Marketing MSc
Why combatting deshopping is key to retail success
Alix Elwin2023-07-07T13:04:31+01:0007/07/2023|deshopping | e-commerce | future of everything | marketing | retail | sales | Strategic Marketing MSc | sustainability|
From clothing worn once for a special event then returned for a full refund, to tins of half-used paint taken back to store containing a brick to make up the weight, fraudulent returns are ...
Marketing sustainability claims: How to avoid greenwashing
Alix Elwin2023-04-05T16:18:18+01:0021/03/2023|corporate sustainability | Greenwashing | Management and Corporate Sustainability MSc | marketing | Strategic Marketing Forum | Strategic Marketing MSc | sustainability | Sustainability MSc | Sustainable marketing|
As businesses strive to market themselves to best appeal to today’s sustainability-conscious consumers, it is perhaps inevitable that claims will be made that don’t necessarily give the truth, the whole truth and nothing but ...
My Cranfield journey: Strategic Marketing MSc student to doctoral researcher
Cranfield University2021-09-15T11:02:56+01:0028/05/2021|
Following the completion of the Strategic Marketing MSc last year I was honoured to be one of the School of Management’s first recipients of the wonderful Vice-Chancellor’s Prize. This is the only prize awarded across ...
Chasing new dreams…
Cranfield University2021-09-15T11:24:23+01:0021/04/2021|
Mid-career professionals describe their journey from India to Cranfield & what they have learnt along the way… Conventionally fresh undergraduates are seen as individuals with the mindset that the world is full of opportunity, and ...
Managing your mental health during a pandemic
Cranfield University2021-09-15T16:13:39+01:0021/12/2020|
A selection of our School of Management MSc students have come together to give their top tips on how to look after your mental health during the pandemic...
Joining Cranfield in a Pandemic
Cranfield University2021-09-15T16:23:35+01:0016/12/2020|
Looking back on what it was like to join Cranfield School of Management amidst the global pandemic and what they did to help…