Research students
Wood in rivers affects invertebrate community traits
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:54:23+01:0011/07/2019|
The bed of a river is an important habitat for invertebrates with a diverse range of organisms living within and on the sediment. These invertebrate communities may appear similar at different locations within a river ...
The Fast and the Furious: Nagoya Dissipation
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:50:19+01:0017/06/2019|
"Look deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better” ...goes one of many famous quotes by Albert Einstein. We live in a world inhabited by fluids. They are part of everything and anything ...
Why I chose a research degree at Cranfield
Cranfield University2021-09-16T10:07:15+01:0012/02/2018|
Within two years of starting my bachelor’s degree I knew I wanted to pursue a research and academia-based career. The journey that has unfolded through the course of me realising this path has brought me ...
Doing a PhD: the trials and tribulations…
Cranfield University2021-09-16T10:00:37+01:0011/01/2018|Tags: management, PhD, research, school of management|
Well, let’s be honest: if you’d asked me if I was interested in doing a PhD four or more years ago I’d have said, "Don’t be mad!" I definitely told people who asked such questions ...