Management MSc
The Cranfield Experience
Cranfield University2021-09-16T15:05:12+01:0004/02/2019|Tags: life on campus, management msc|
“A beautiful sunrise, company of the calm greenery, serene milieu which nestles thousands of creative and innovative minds” - if this resembles your idea of an ideal place to do your Masters in too, I ...
My Management MSc internship with K International
Cranfield University2021-09-16T12:22:53+01:0011/09/2018|Tags: internship, K International, leadership, management, master's, mim|
What is the organisational culture like? K International is a language service provider which provides services such as translation, localisation, transcription, and interpreting in more than 150 languages for organisations all over the world. Rather ...
My Management MSc internship with The Global Fund in Geneva
Cranfield University2021-09-16T12:15:49+01:0021/08/2018|Tags: cranfieldmim, geneva, granada, internship, management, masters in management, mim, supplychain, theglobalfund|
What is the organisational culture like? The Global Fund is a large organisation with over 1000 employees, the work culture is pretty laid back and relaxed. There is a lot of thinking that goes into ...
A week in Granada, studying our Cross Cultural Management module
Cranfield University2021-09-16T11:39:20+01:0005/06/2018|Tags: cranfield school of management, cross cultural management, granada, management, management msc, masters in management, mim, school of management, study tour|
When we started off our MSc Management course back in September, our course director Professor Dickmann introduced us to this unique module 'Cross-Cultural Management' in which the students who opt for it travel to Granada, ...
Teaching Sustainability: More than just a game
Cranfield University2021-09-16T10:29:31+01:0022/03/2018|Tags: management, Management course activities, msc management and corporate sustainability, sustainability|
Gamification is the application of typical elements of game playing (e.g. point scoring, competition with others, rules of play) to a more serious business or policy environment has increasingly gained attention in the last years ...
The Cranfield Chronicles, winter edition: runway to Cranfield!
Cranfield University2021-09-16T10:02:51+01:0022/01/2018|Tags: “Cranfield”, campus life, cranfield school of management, management, new students, postgraduate, study routine, varied cohort|
As I travel to Tuscany in Italy, sitting by the window in the train, looking out at the picturesque hills, it seems an ideal time for me to write about all things Cranfield, to appreciate ...