Management MSc
Sailing, Learning and the Thrill of Discovery!
Lina Mitchell2023-07-07T13:09:31+01:0007/07/2023|Tags: leadership, management msc, Personal growth, teamwork|
"Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbour. Catch the ...
Studying MSc Management: A Journey of Personal Growth and Professional Development for an International Student
Tammie Argent-Peters2023-05-09T12:40:50+01:0009/05/2023|Tags: #InternationalStudents, cranfield school of management, management msc, management programme|
As an international student with a background in English and literature, I've always been interested in the power of words to alter our perspective of the world. My studies in these topics have given me ...
“My Cranfield degree transformed me as a person”
Alix Elwin2022-05-24T22:11:23+01:0010/05/2022|Tags: accomodation, alumni, management, management msc, mim, school of management, studentlife|
Kalyani Hegde (Management MSc, 2021), is currently working as the Head of Supply Chain, Administration and Legal at Nandu Chemicals Private Limited. We caught up with Kalyani to find out more about her experiences ...
Academic Spotlight Interview: Dr Leila Alinaghian
Alix Elwin2022-03-15T14:06:28+00:0007/02/2022|Tags: Academic Spotlight, management, management msc, Social Impact|
Meet Dr Leila Alinaghian, Senior Lecturer and Course Director of the MSc in Management within Cranfield School of Management. "Social impact is one of the remaining competitive advantages that is available to businesses – ...
My Cranfield Journey So Far – Management MSc Student, Benny Cherian
Alix Elwin2022-02-01T14:24:03+00:0025/01/2022|Tags: management msc, mim, student life|
Travelling from India to the United Kingdom to enhance my career has been one hell of a ride, but it all came together in the end! On the 27th of September, our induction week ...
My top 7 tips for staying productive during the pandemic
Cranfield University2021-09-15T12:47:16+01:0022/02/2021|
Covid-19 has been an unprecedented event that will have a major impact on the way we communicate, work and commute. There has never before been another situation where the majority of the population had to ...