Manufacturing and Materials
Digital technologies – sound great, but can I use them?
Antonia Molloy2022-01-26T16:33:02+00:0024/01/2022|Tags: digital manufacturing, level 7 apprenticeships, manufacturing, manufacturing skills, masterships, uk manufacturing|
Productivity is one of the biggest challenges currently facing the UK manufacturing sector. According to data from the ONS, the UK has a long-running nominal productivity gap with the other six G7 economies in both ...
Manufacturing and materials week 2021 overview
Paula Battle2021-12-03T13:12:04+00:0003/12/2021|Tags: manufacturing and materials week|
So Cranfield Manufacturing and materials week 2021 is over and what a full week it was! We started off with a panel of speakers chaired by Rosa Wilkinson (Policy Director of the High Value Manufacturing ...
New modular manufacturing process for latex rubber gloves on course for net zero
Paula Battle2021-11-26T11:41:06+00:0026/11/2021|Tags: manufacturing 2075, manufacturing and materials, net zero|
In 2019 the average medical gloves used in England every month was 150 million. During the height of the pandemic (Feb 2020 - August 2021), this figure rose to 500 million. To put it into ...
Building strength and breaking down barriers
Paula Battle2022-07-04T11:02:29+01:0017/11/2021|Tags: manufacturing and materials, manufacturing and materials week|
Professor Mark Jolly, Director of Manufacturing, and Hiran Odedra, Cranfield’s Head of ED&I discuss the importance of diversity in creating the strongest team. Over the last few years the importance of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion ...
Net zero – “The only mega project we want to be proud of in our lifetime.”
Paula Battle2021-11-17T14:42:23+00:0016/11/2021|Tags: cop 26, m&m week, Materials, national manufacturing debate|
The decarbonisation agenda has been talked about by politicians the world over. In 2015, the Paris Agreement dramatically stated that the world needed to limit global warming to 1.5 Celsius compared to pre-industrial levels, by 2050. The ...
Welcome to Manufacturing and materials week 2021
Cranfield University2022-07-04T11:03:47+01:0007/10/2021|Tags: manufacturing and materials week|
Following the success of last year’s virtual Manufacturing and materials week in December 2020, Cranfield University is excited to announce their Manufacturing and materials week 2021 will take place Monday 29 November to Thursday 2 ...