Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc
Day two of our study tour to Thailand: dinner and drinks!
Cranfield University2021-09-16T11:37:25+01:0004/06/2018|Bangkok | dinner | executive | Henkel | logistics | msc | part time | study tour | supply chain | thailand|
After finishing at Henkel slightly later than anticipated, we didn’t have quite enough time to get across the city. Ever the professionals, the only appropriate solution was of course to find a bar, where we ...
First impressions on our Executive Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc study tour to Bangkok!
Cranfield University2021-09-16T11:35:31+01:0029/05/2018|Bangkok | cranfield school of management | executive | logistics | master's degree | msc | study tour | supply chain | thailand|
Setting off at 15:05 from Copenhagen and arriving the next day in Bangkok at 06:55 (local time) I had officially made it to the country of beautiful landscapes, beaches and great culture. Descending to land ...
Reflections on the Executive Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc study tour to Thailand
Cranfield University2021-09-16T11:30:57+01:0029/05/2018|
What a week? Before we knew it, it was already Friday. Benny and Denyse, you did not only secure a well-planned week with cross-sectioned top professional and well-established companies in Bangkok and its region, you ...
Beyond Powerpoint – Meditations on the Thailand tour
Cranfield University2021-09-16T11:21:06+01:0018/05/2018|Bangkok | Beyond Powerpoint | thailand|
I am sure that nobody will be surprised that meticulous planning ensured we visited a cross-section of successful, professional businesses and were informed and educated by people who understood our requirements. The variety of industry ...
My final impressions of Bangkok
Cranfield University2021-09-16T11:20:34+01:0016/05/2018|Bangkok|
After another 27 hours of flight, I am back again in my home country. Lots of enjoyable memories of Thailand. I am really grateful to Cranfield, Denyse and Ben who planned a perfect trip for ...
My first impressions of Thailand – day one of the Executive Logistics and Supply Chain Management MSc study tour to Bangkok
Cranfield University2021-09-16T11:19:08+01:0016/05/2018|#studytour | Bangkok | cranfield school of management | logistics | suppy chain | thailand|
After a 25 hour plane journey, we finally got to Bangkok!! We passed Passport Control really quickly, fortunately the queue was small. After getting the bags, used Prof. Benni's advice of the tunnel that connected ...