Life on campus
Calculating drag and down force coefficients
Cranfield University2021-09-16T15:08:31+01:0005/02/2019|Tags: aerodynamic, Analysis, aston martin, bicester, composite materials, Cranfield Impact Centre, design project, engineering, F1, ferrari, formula one, library, motorsport, msc, red bull, student|
This month, Carlos Soteras Escámez embarks on the fourth month of his Advanced Motorsport Engineering MSc. Find out what he’s been up to on the course since his last blog post in November 2018. Wow; ...
Motorsport MSc puts students in pole position
Cranfield University2021-09-16T14:28:00+01:0030/11/2018|Tags: engineering, motorsport|
After a hectic two months studying his Advanced Motorsport Engineering MSc, Carlos Soteras Escamez reflects back on the exams, endless days at the library, and exciting trips and visits that have taken place so far ...
My year at Cranfield, studying Environmental Management for Business MSc
Cranfield University2021-09-16T12:26:25+01:0012/09/2018|Tags: “Cranfield”, environment, environmental management for business, group project, master, masters course, msc, thesis|
Although I have always lived in quite an urban area of Thessaloniki, my grandad was a forest ranger working for the government, and my dad in particular enjoys spending time in nature, so I spent ...
Transport links between London and Cranfield via Milton Keynes
Cranfield University2021-09-16T11:28:47+01:0021/05/2018|Tags: advice, buses, engagement, higher education, local area, local community, milton keynes, MK, taxis, trains, travel|
It is one thing finding directions on the website, or on google maps, but a little local knowledge can also help. Fares go up annually, and changes happen, so always check the latest information online ...
The Purpose of Education
Cranfield University2021-09-16T10:33:25+01:0003/04/2018|Tags: “Cranfield”, education, finance, investment, life on campus, management, msc, school of management|
"The whole purpose of education is to turn mirrors into windows" This interesting quote by Sydney J. Harris, a Journalist and Newspaper columnist, dates back to August 1978. To better understand what he meant, one ...
Get to know your SWEE Student Academic Support team
Cranfield University2021-09-16T10:26:47+01:0014/03/2018|Tags: agrifood, design, energy, environment, Student Academic Support, water|
When you arrive at Cranfield you will be introduced to your Student Academic Support (SAS) team. We are your first point of contact and will look after you from the moment you arrive to the ...