School of Management
Marketing in this Covid-19 driven recession
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:32:56+01:0025/03/2020|Tags: marketing|
Professor Malcolm McDonald offers these thoughts during these difficult times in order to encourage all those of us who are intensely worried by the effects of the COVID-19 driven recession. It is pure fiction to ...
A closer look into the warehouse of a high street fashion brand
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:40:11+01:0028/02/2020|
As part of our second term of the Logistics and Supply Chain MSc we got the opportunity to join a warehouse visit. In my case we went to the River Island distribution centre (DC). Luckily ...
Impressions of a very interesting morning in the John Lewis warehouse
Cranfield University2021-09-16T15:54:29+01:0014/02/2020|
As part of the Logistics & Supply Chain programme we visited John Lewis’s warehouse in the Magna Park, strategically located just outside of Milton Keynes. This warehouse serves as national distribution centre and focusses half ...
Sainsbury’s Distribution Centre visit
Cranfield University2021-09-16T15:59:05+01:0010/02/2020|
Here is my thought about the Sainsbury’s warehouse visit with the full time Logisitics Supply Chain Management MSc 2020 cohort: The things that really impressed me were: The way how DHL and Sainsbury work together. ...
Leap of faith…
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:01:03+01:0007/02/2020|
It has been one hundred and twenty-three days since I arrived at Cranfield, and yet, the count of the unforgettable experiences that I have had exceed this massive number. From the Cranfield airport to the ...
10 Questions: How to tackle Study Stress through Yoga…
Cranfield University2021-09-16T16:18:37+01:0020/01/2020|
Meeting with Melanie Knox; Yoga Alliance Senior Yoga Teacher and Creator of Clarity Yoga Shala who is offering monthly yoga sessions to our Strategic Marketing students in order to help them through study stress (NB. ...