School of Management
My top 7 tips for staying productive during the pandemic
Cranfield University2021-09-15T12:47:16+01:0022/02/2021|
Covid-19 has been an unprecedented event that will have a major impact on the way we communicate, work and commute. There has never before been another situation where the majority of the population had to ...
Top 3 cycle routes from Cranfield Campus
Cranfield University2021-09-15T12:43:05+01:0012/02/2021|Tags: cycle route|
Three of our students have come together to share with you their favourite cycle routes from campus... 1st Route - Red, 2nd Route - Light Blue, 3rd Route - Light Green 1st Route: The Aston ...
Urvashi Yadav’s journey to the Cranfield MBA
Cranfield University2021-09-15T12:45:55+01:0010/02/2021|Tags: cranfield mba, cranfield school of management mba, mba, MBA scholarship, Technology Scholarship|
For Urvashi, studying an MBA at Cranfield was a dream come true. "I believe that my learning at Cranfield as Full Time MBA candidate will help me enhance my skills and grow further in my ...
Life at Cranfield – my MBA journey so far…
Cranfield University2021-09-15T16:08:40+01:0019/01/2021|Tags: cranfield mba, cranfield school of management, FTMBA, mba|
"Even with the disruptions of the Covid-19 pandemic, Cranfield School of Management has put so much effort into enforcing government guidelines to ensure we have as many face-to-face lectures as possible." reflects Monica (Dongmei) Shi, ...
Get to know Cranfield MBA Tom Dyas, Class of 20-21
Cranfield University2021-09-15T16:12:28+01:0005/01/2021|Tags: cranfield mba, Cranfield scholarship, cranfield school of management, mba, Scholarships|
Meet Cranfield MBA, and Simon Rowlands Scholarship winner, Tom Dyas! Read below to see how he describes his life before the Cranfield MBA, what he plans to do after and how the scholarship helped make ...
Managing your mental health during a pandemic
Cranfield University2021-09-15T16:13:39+01:0021/12/2020|
A selection of our School of Management MSc students have come together to give their top tips on how to look after your mental health during the pandemic...