Centre for Business Performance
Mission Command, Management Gaps and High Flying!
Cranfield University2021-09-16T12:53:52+01:0013/11/2018|
We’ve blogged about implementing a Mission Command approach to Leadership in the past: https://blogs.cranfield.ac.uk/leadership-management/cbp/mission-command-turn-ship-around-louis-david-marquet On our travels we’ve heard some people say, “Oh, we’re already doing something like this already (emphasis on already)!”, or “Ah, ...
“It’s for the journey”
Cranfield University2021-09-16T12:38:21+01:0016/10/2018|
You may recall, “It’s for the journey”, was an advertising campaign for a bank that now no longer exists (at least in the form that it was). Why did that bank come off the rails? ...
Sheep-dipping, Centres of Competence, Infective Networks and Other stories
Cranfield University2021-09-16T12:31:59+01:0027/09/2018|
Up Till Now: Until recently, during our trials and tribulations working on Business Change Programmes, we have come across two main-stream approaches to driving new learning throughout an organisation: So-called Sheep-dipping approach: This ...
Cranfield Book Review: The Goal (Third Edition) by Eli Goldratt, 2016
Cranfield University2021-09-16T12:13:51+01:0007/08/2018|
“Seems to me there’s a world of difference between ‘Common Practice’ and ‘Common Sense’”, Julie Rogo. No, this is not a book about how well England fared in this summer’s World Cup! This is a ...
Business Book Review: ‘Start with Why: How great leaders inspire everyone to take action’ by Simon Sinek
Cranfield University2021-09-16T11:50:59+01:0019/06/2018|
Why do you do what you do? This is the key question Simon Sinek asks in his bestselling book.
Turn The Ship Around, Mission Command, and Staying Out of Trouble (Part four from four)
Cranfield University2021-09-16T11:38:46+01:0005/06/2018|
In David Marquet’s 2012 book, Turn The Ship Around, his whole effort in making the USS Santa Fe the model of excellence was to change the crew’s attitude from “not making mistakes” to “creating operational ...