Centre for Business Performance
“GBO” – Why executives and senior leaders are so busy?
Cranfield University2021-09-16T15:47:48+01:0018/03/2019|
In a previous job a long time ago, I was sharing a late-night beer with the Chairman of our company, at that time based in Austin, Texas – the gun capital of the USA. As ...
Why Best Practice Fails – Cynefin Framework and Adopting Techniques That Work – second of four on this subject
Cranfield University2021-09-16T15:31:58+01:0001/03/2019|
Some while ago, we blogged about how the use of Best Practice is the well-trodden path to mediocrity. https://blogs.cranfield.ac.uk/leadership-management/cbp/the-use-of-best-practice-the-well-trodden-path-to-mediocrity Not only does adoption of so-called Best Practice lead to mediocrity. Transferring Best Practice ...
“Computer says ‘So’ – Innovation and Cynefin” – first of four on this subject
Cranfield University2021-09-16T15:25:42+01:0018/02/2019|
Some of you will remember the famous sketch in the TV series, Little Britain, where the “Computer Says No” to a prospective customer, and the frustrating time that person has in understanding why! Well, ...
Innovation is not always Progress!
Cranfield University2021-09-16T15:09:16+01:0006/02/2019|
At the end of last year, some of you may have watched the TV series "The First" about the first mission to the planet mars set in the 2030s. A statement keeps ringing in my ...
Spending on the elderly – how should we interpret the numbers?
Cranfield University2021-09-16T14:29:00+01:0004/12/2018|
Radio 4 yesterday morning presented figures collated from analysis by the BBC on how the spending in England per head on those over 65 has fallen by approximately 25% in real terms since 2010. That ...
Data Visualisation, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Cranfield University2021-09-16T14:27:04+01:0028/11/2018|
Data Visualisation, Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them Wikipedia: Data visualisation is viewed by many disciplines as a modern equivalent of visual communication. It involves the creation and study of the visualrepresentation of data. ...